Elevator companies with foreign capital operating in our country provide a competitive advantage in the sector compared to domestic companies with the power of global capital, professional management, research and development, technological opportunities and similar reasons.
While the domestic elevator companies, whose numbers are increasing day by day by dividing, sacrifice their profit percentage by competing with the companies in their own segment, foreign elevator companies show more aggressive price policies in order to get a bigger share from the cake.
It is imperative for the future of the industry and the development of the economy for the domestic elevator companies to join forces for their existence and for the brand to be created in this way to be able to compete with global companies. In today’s world, countries can have a say in the world with the added value that their national capital brings to the country’s economy. It was announced that the US technology giant Apple has $ 246 billion in cash.
If a new company was established with just this money, it would become the 13th largest company in the world. In addition, the size of Apple’s cash is even more than the national income of 148 countries in the world.
The market value of an idea like Facebook in the New York stock market can reach as huge as $355.6 billion. In order for the sector and Turkey to be strong in the future, they should produce technology by joining forces. Founded by five participating companies, GETA set out with these goals in 2014 and grew together with the participating companies in a short period of two years. We are looking for partners who will walk together on the road to be taken in order to become a world brand. Let’s be together.